Haiku Speedbuild
Haiku Speedbuild Saturday 13 July
On 10/07/2013 by Xue FaithHi Guys! Greetings from Taipei! It’s time for our July Haiku Speedbuild and I thought we’d try a little variation this month. Since we have people around the globe, it seems like every time slot is bad for someone. Also, it seems like peeps like casual, unstructured building time. So this month we’ll have Haiku

Haiku Speedbuild
Haiku Speedbuild #2
On 10/03/2013 by Xue FaithHaiku Sculpting #2 goes to “Alice in Cornelland” at LEA11 where participants are inspired by Hanna Lee Rheel’s reading of poems from Beth Griffenhagen’s book “Haiku for the Single Girl”