Tag: Haiku for the Single Girl

many white cubes and parallelograms in a heap on the ground

Haiku Speedbuild #2

Haiku Sculpting #2 goes to “Alice in Cornelland” at LEA11 where participants are inspired by Hanna Lee Rheel’s reading of poems from Beth Griffenhagen’s book “Haiku for the Single Girl”

Photograph of the book "Haiku for the Single Girl" on a desk, opened to the title page, and with a pair of hands (the author Beth Griffenhagen) on the book, one hand holding the book open, the other autographing it

Haiku Speedbuild #1

Haiku Speedbuild #1 – Afar, 3 March ’13 today’s Haiku Speedbuild poems were from Haiku for the Single Girl by Beth Griffenhagen Huntress Catteno picked: In my neighborhood Even the homeless woman Has a boyfriend. Sigh.   Mia Wallace & Dr. Wiggles collaborated on: I like trysts with guys From other countries. It’s like Stamping